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Experiment 3 - Poetry

In this project, I have reimagined my origin piece into a poem that peels back the layers of its artistic centerpiece—the painting. The purpose of this poem is to breathe life into the past, using a distinct poetic lens to illuminate various facets of the original composition.


In the poem, the painting takes center stage as a silent narrator, recounting the tales woven into its canvas. Each stanza animates the brushstrokes of history, unveiling the nuanced shades of emotion and generations of memories encapsulated within its frame. 


From the perspective of the painting, the poem constructs a multifaceted portrait of this narrative, exploring the significance wrapped within this family heirloom. This project aims to embrace art, a medium that transcends time and space, as a bridge for understanding. By opting for poetry as the medium for this piece, I aim to infuse emotion, symbolism, and vivid imagery into this historical narrative, inviting you, the reader, to engage with the narrative is a new and profound way.

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