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My Fully Realized Project

This final project, culminating in a transformative exploration guided by the Writing 220 framework, invites you to delve into my origin piece—a short essay spurred by a prompt for a college supplemental essay.


At the heart of this project lies a captivating narrative that unfolds across generations, tethered to a giant painting with roots tracing back to Bavaria, Germany. The initial explorations of this origin piece, guided by historical fiction, zines, and poetry, served as the foundation for the culmination of these experiments—a fully realized zine project.

Within the pages of this virtual gallery, I've dissected and reassembled the narrative, experimenting with diverse forms and perspectives. The zine not only showcases the painting but also serves as a canvas through which the life and artistry of Alfred Swartzchild are unveiled. From Bavaria's quiet corners to World War II's tumultuous era, the zine captures the essence of Swartzchild's journey and the painting's voyage across the world.

Join me in traveling the paths of history and creativity, where each page becomes a portal into the profound connections between art, identity, and humanity.

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